
Database on Trial: ProQuest Academic Databases

Submitted by webAdmin on Fri, 03/18/2022 - 16:42

The Loyola Schools Community has been granted trial access to

ProQuest Academic Databases

until 30 April 2022

Check out the new databases on trial from ProQuest Academic Databases:

• ProQuest Academic Complete has over 200,000+ titles that support curricula, graduation rate trends, and emerging courses.

• ProQuest Academic Video Online has 70,000 academic video titles spanning a wide range of subject areas, including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.

• ProQuest Computer Science Database has 4.2 million full-text articles from over 500 sources. Includes all the charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements vital to scientific and engineering literature.

• Publicly Available Content Database has full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world.

To access one or all of these databases, just visit this link: go.ateneo.edu/RLOffCampusAccess, click E-Resources and look for "ProQuest Dissertation and Theses," then click "Change Databases" and choose the database you want to try.

We hope you will take advantage of the free trial and help us decide if we should subscribe to ProQuest Academic Databases.

Email your feedback and suggestions to rizal.library.ls@ateneo.edu or go.ateneo.edu/RL-FeedbackProQuestAcademicDatabases.