
Please note the service hours of the Rizal Library Loyola's different buildings during the intersession classes from June 5 to July 30.
But please remember that Rizal Library Loyola’s e-resources remain accessible from anywhere around the world, 24/7, via this link:


Paz Marquez Benitez Lecture

Every year, we honor various women and their archived writings with an exhibit and lecture series, this year’s Paz Marquez Benitez Lecture/Exhibit will honor Direk Marilou Diaz-Abaya. The exhibit will open at 4:00pm on September

Board Game Day

The Rizal Library, in partnership with Boardwalk of The BookBench, Strategic Trading Card Society (STACS), Gaming Library, and the Chess Club, held Board Game Day 2 last July 12, 2012 at the Rizal Library Roofdeck Study Hall. In attendance were

Student Assistanceship Program

What exactly is the nature of the job?  Student assistants shall be assigned to a specific section in the Rizal Library depending on his/her skills and experience. The nature of tasks include (but are not limited to): archival